Friday, May 6, 2011

Joints Ache After Quit Smoking

Thousands of people demonstrating and nobody says anything.

If Cuba is 20 Damas de Blanco gather to protest against the Cuban government, sure we'll hear. If we met in Madrid several thousand people to demand basic services remain public, the media and look out onto the balcony. Only in the newspaper Público discuss it, yes, estimated at only 1,000 the number of protesters.

Here you leave the assessment published by the CAS (Coordinating Anti-Privatisation of Health) in Madrid:

25,000 people demonstrate in Madrid against the Privatization of Health and Education


25,000 people packed Monday, May 5, Alcalá Street between Cibeles and Sun was the largest demonstration of the rich history the mobilization of users and workers, which began to denounce the privatization of health by the PP government, with the approval of the PSOE and the complicity of CCOO and UGT.

In this difficult political position with furious opposition from all these areas, their acolytes and powerful media have joined in addition to the regular convening of past events (the Anti-Privatization Coordination of Health-CAS-Madrid and Madrid Platform Methuselah "Your Health in Danger-) against privatization Platform education "I am Public" and the Platform against the closure of social care facilities for dependents and other 60 other organizations.

As for the media, suffice it to say that "public" has given the news that "more than a thousand people demonstrated ... yesterday in Madrid. " Indeed, over a thousand were .... One of the slogans shouted out yesterday, "then you will say, there are five or six," was all a premonition.

In total, more than 60 organizations called the mass demonstration, confirmed crucial to our times and for those who come: it is possible to maintain a coherent, independent, mobilize a people he endorses it and sends it back corrected and augmented.

The cries were renewed yesterday. Along with the traditional anti-privatization and the complicity of PP and PSOE, others appeared. Some of today renewed as "military spending for schools and hospitals." Others with the freshness of the people "I am Public" that was well prepared posters and slogans. Some were: "Ole, ole, ole, I do not pay school", "Lucia Cigar at the corner of thinking" or "money bourbon, pa health and education."

alpunto Moncho, great, wrote a sonnet to "celebrate this event" and read the manifesto denouncing the privatization process of the entire social protection system, its perpetrators and their accomplices. With the enormous power given to verify that people are willing to keep fighting, from the truck - as a platform - you said "this fight we will win, from the street."

Two batucadas, lots of flags, red, red and black and Republican is mixed in an explosion of people demonstrating what can be done with discourse analysis and clear, uncompromising, strong will unity and hard work militant. But on Yet it is also something much more important, if the demonstration of May 5 was possible and nothing has happened once, only the work of worms daily public services, what can happen when after the elections come May drastic cuts as in Catalonia?

going to keep doing a lot of work militant to reach more and more workplaces, neighborhoods and towns, but today we can say that on May 5 has been a manifestation pregnant future.


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